Downriver Michigan's premier internet solutions provider

Serving downriver Michigan for 20+ years.  We provide the latest IT engineering and technology for virtually cost free websites, VOIP to RF  engineering and very low cost video marketing  solutions. Advanced internet marketing has put us above the rest.  Website hosting is also offered at competatve pricing. Colocations servers provided to fulfill all your server needs in various packages. Video information is the latest technology in website design. Our production and advertising in this area beats larger companies hands down. Video editing is provided by Sony's latest editing software. VOIP technology is a common tool in use by larger companies. Contact our sales staff for the latest VOIP over RF technology which enhances current communications for your staff and is also cost effective solution to landline, cell phones and other PTT communications. Real Services strives to put the newest techology within grasp of the average bussiness owner. Contact us for all your Internet related needs. Wether your a small company just starting out or a larger established company our services provide state of the art technology and support while also maintaining a user friendly atmosphere.


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